Tag Archives: spiritual

There’s Magic in the Air

Magic-in-the-air-image-for-Now that I’m getting settled back into a more normal routine . . . while also organizing my production area . . . I’m also beginning to design this year’s items.  I felt the need to stop for a moment and update what’s in the works for this year’s Yuletide here at Yule Be Magical! (Oh how those bunnies just jump out at me.)

One of the things I truly love about Yule is that it is a celebration of gratitude for the blessings of the old year and of a new beginning in natures life cycle. Symbolically, ancient cultures around the world have used a variety of plants for both spiritual as well as medicinal benefits for thousands of years.

There is a plethora of folklore regarding the uses of native plants and many of the more magical customs that concentrate on bringing good tidings into this new beginning on the yearly wheel of life.

As I bring into my work space my beloved collection of dried nuts, seeds and berries I can feel their positive energies enlivening my environment with a positive energy flow.

Collected years ago when the idea of a Yule Be Magical Etsy store was conceived, I gathered and stored many little gifts from nature to use to create items what would evoke a little earth magic at this pivotal point in this yearly cycle of life.

So now, as the dust continues to settle on my Dad adjusting to a skilled nursing facility, I can begin anew.

For several years now I have longed to get back to work making Yule just a little more magical for a few more people.  I’ll be offering a variety of unique herbal supplies as well as other specially selected items for Yuletide which, according to ancient folklore,  promotes positive blessings and protection for your hearth and home.

I hope you’ll enjoy them.

Blessings to all,



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New Moon Magic . . .

Striking out on my own deeply personal spiritual path has led me to lots of places. Seeking and finding truth just doesn’t happen overnight.  Investigating the many different varieties of belief in One Creator has been quite an adventure, one that I would willingly accept again.

I have learned that you indeed experience many epiphanies when seeking truth.

But that’s neither here nor there . . .

Today . . . night . . . is the New Moon . . . and it has become a most spiritual time for me. Thanks, in large part, to Jessica MacBeth. I found her series called Moon Magic ~ Lunar Cycling  by chance and I don’t think anyone or anything has had a more profound impact on my life.

So delicately and beautifully written, so inspiring it causes you to want to take action. So simple . . . yet so deeply rewarding.

Profound. Magical. Truly an epiphany.

For example, this is a sample of how The New Moon ritual begins:

The Dark Lady, Dark Moon

Key Phrase:“There is an empty space in my life where …. might be” or “There is an empty space in my life where … used to be.”

At this stage in life, and with all this darn “wisdom” I’ve collected . . . it can sometimes get a bit overwhelming. I am not ~ nor ~ will I ever be again, the 20 year old girl I once was. A lot has happened since then. A lifetime of living – or not. With all these many years of thoughts, it was a welcome surprise to find an exercise which allows me to focus on my life . . . in a way that I believe also touches the spirit within.

Just as thought provoking, and beautifully written are the rituals . . . little private ceremonies . . . if you will . . . for the other significant moon nights:  1st night waxing, last night waxing, full moon, 1st night waning, and last night waning. Easily adaptable to suit your own individual spiritual or religious path as is right for you.

So simple . . . yet deeply rewarding on a personal level.

I especially love the key phrase for the first and last night waning . . . “Into your hands I place . . .” . . . all my cares and worries. What’s been important for me is that is causes me to think in specific terms.

Tomorrow, however . . . is a time of joyfulness . . . the moon is increasing . . . growing full. I’m looking forward to its key phrase: “Wouldn’t it be lovely if . . . “ . . . where I can place all my dreams for the future.

So positive . . .  in such a way that I feel connected to my Creator’s Spirit.

On this night . . . being the night of Mercury . . . I felt this urge to share this with you. Communication you know . . .

Blessings to you all,


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